COLE: writer/director David Call. (2018, 10 minutes)
featuring David Call, Ana Kayne, Will Janowitz
RED 2K cinematography: Zach Kuperstein
watch the teaser below
and join us in the CineZone to see the film


From Fessenden: When I was casting DEPRAVED, my producer Chadd Harbold put me in touch with actor David Call to discuss the role of Henry, a modern Dr. Frankenstein who is suffering from PTSD after several tours as a field surgeon in Iraq. Call was very tuned in to these themes, as his brother is in the military. He then shared with me a short film he had made and it remarkably also spoke of brain trauma, which was another theme in DEPRAVED. I am excited to present this fine film here. COLE was also the first time I saw Ana Kayne, who I went on to cast in DEPRAVED as well.

From David Call: I chose this story because I wanted to make something simple and direct that also held special meaning for me. As someone with close family and friends currently serving in the armed forces, these are issues I am very familiar with and care deeply about. My brother is an active duty combat veteran and this script came about after visiting him on post and talking with him and some other soldiers and vets. We discussed the difficulties they faced reentering the civilian world and how the all too common depiction of vets in film and television as unstable & psychologically troubled or as unimpeachable heroes had led a widening of the gulf between them and their civilian counterparts, making it increasingly difficult for them to find jobs and re-integrate into American society. This film is my attempt to tell their story.

Watch COLE in The CineZone.