Fear 2000, a conference series dedicated to twenty-first century horror media convened by Craig Ian Mann and Chris Cooke and hosted by the Department of Media Arts and Communication at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Their fifth conference, Fear 2000: Horror Unbound, will take place on 10-12 September 2021. TALES FROM BEYOND THE PALE joins the lineup, details below:
Riding the Scarewaves: A Celebration of Tales from Beyond the Pale with Larry Fessenden and Glenn McQuaid
Larry Fessenden is a writer, director, producer and actor – the founder of the fiercely independent production house Glass Eye Pix. Glenn McQuaid is the filmmaker behind festival favourite I Sell the Dead (2008). Together they are the Pale Men: the creative minds behind a series of macabre “radio plays for the digital age” titled Tales from Beyond the Pale. Since 2010, Tales has been offering one of the finest auditory horror experiences money can buy in digital and lavishly produced physical formats, and since 2019 has been available to listen to as a free podcast.
In addition to Fessenden and McQuaid, contributing writers to Tales have included Simon Barrett, Jeff Buhler, Clay McLeod Chapman, Stuart Gordon, Eric Red, JT Petty, Graham Reznick and April Snellings, while genre stalwarts such as Ana Asensio, AJ Bowen, Lauren Ashley Carter, Barbara Crampton, Nick Damici, Jeremy Gardner, Pat Healy, Ron Perlman, John Speredakos, Tony Todd and the late Angus Scrimm have all leant their voices to episodes.
We are delighted to welcome Fessenden and McQuaid to Fear 2000: Horror Unbound to celebrate Tales from Beyond the Pale. In a conversation moderated by conference co-convener Craig Ian Mann, they will discuss the origins of the series, its overarching themes, the art of inciting fear through sound alone and their dedication to keeping horror radio alive in the twenty-first century.
You can visit the Tales from Beyond the Pale website here, listen to the podcast here, and follow the Pale Men on Twitter.
This event will take place on Friday 10 September at 19:00 in Stream C
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