Fessenden steps in to highlight this week’s Cutting Room post:
“For some time at Glass Eye Pix, when I’ve encounter a promising filmmaker, I make a gift of the seminal Hitchcock / Truffaut book.
To me it is the filmmaker’s bible, for it explores with extraordinary candor the filmmaking process. Nevermind the famous set pieces from Hitch’s movies— although take notice, those set pieces were not just showmanship, but genuine expressions of his philosophy— instead check out essential advice like: don’t let the camera lead the action. If an actor is going to get up off the couch, don’t cut to a wide shot anticipating the move. That may not seem like sexy advice, but the accumulation of ideas from the master will stimulate your tiny mind and make you a better filmmaker and a better film-watcher.
Hitch/Truffault the movie is a poignant account of two filmmakers appreciating one another and a profound celebration of different approaches to cinematic expression. Read the book. See the film. Read the book again.”
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