Contemporary movie posters are boring
and all look the same — except when they don’t.
by KEITH PHIPPS, The Reveal
Back at The Dissolve, we turned to our friend Sam Smith, poster designer extraordinaire, for thoughts on all things movie poster-related. Here at The Reveal, you’ll have to make do with me, a simple moviegoer who loves to wander up and down the halls of the multiplex looking for signs of life in the world of movie posters. It’s tough sometimes: risk-averse studios favor what’s worked in the past rather than attempting innovative new designs… But posters aren’t all bad these days. In no particular order, here are a few that caught my eye in 2023.
Crumb Catcher
Never heard of Crumb Catcher? Honestly, me neither, though Larry Fessenden’s name as one of the co-writers has me intrigued. Even more intriguing: this shadow-drenched poster featuring adorable/murderous cake decorations. What’s this about? No idea! Do I now want to know? Absolutely. Mission accomplished, movie poster.
See other posters on the list. Long live cool posters
Crumb Catcher poster designed and created by
~ Chris Skotchdopole, Tessa Price, James Siewert ~
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