Dinoboy releases 4 song EP “Angel” featuring Fessenden on sax on track “Leave Me at Home”

Dinoboy is singer songwriter Dalton Salsbury who has made music with Jack Fessenden since 2013 with their release Stereotypical, which was followed by Anything I Says Goes, Lost My Mind and You Win in the End. Their album Holiday was released on Vinyl in 2018. Their music is featured in various Glass Eye Pix productions, including STRAY BULLETS, BENEATH and DEPRAVED.
Find The Strangers, Holiday and Dinoboy on all your favorite streaming services.
And keep an ear out for Fessenden on sax on trax by Still Rusty, Just Desserts, Holiday, Unwanted Houseguest and forthcoming releases by The Wharton Tiers Ensemble and Graham Reznick…
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