HABIT opened in New York City on November 14 at Cinema Village.
Additional NY engagements included Midnights at Angelika Film Center
Brooklyn Heights Twin, and the Thalia at 96th Street
Cinema Village in NYC, and our poster campaign
in L.A.
we also played:
Angelika film Center, Houston, Texas
Real Art Ways, Hartford, CONN
Dobie Theater, Austin, Texas
Lobo Theater, Albuquerque, NM
University Of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Uptown Screen, New Orleans
The Capri, Anchorage, Alaska
High Museum,
Atlanta, GA
Fine Arts, Kansas City, KS
Cornell Cinema, Ithaca, NY
Bloor Cinema, Toronto, Canada
Cinema, Miami, FLA
Cornell Cinema,
Ithaca, NY
Grand Illusion, Seattle, WA
Ragtag Film Series, Columbia, MO
Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor, MI
Theater, Philadelphia, PA
Hippodrome, Gainesville, FL
and many other venues.
NYC, December 4
1997 1AM.
Fessenden & Ellenbogen are arrested and thrown in jail for wheat
pasting Habit Posters on Houston Street.
We were spreading the word about Fri/Sat Midnight shows at the
Angelika Film Center. Three undercover cops swerved up in an unmarked
car. We were cuffed and taken to the precinct. One of the three
undercover cops says to us, "I guess you didn't get into Sundance."
Then they told us about a script idea they'd been tossing around.
They took us to the precinct where they film NYPD Blue and threw
us in a cell with eight other guys. We spent an hour and a half
in the cell getting processed and printed. We gave HABIT trading
cards to the other prisoners, who were taken away in a chain of
handcuffs. Some were going away for a long time. We were the last
to leave at 3:00 Am. We asked the cops to take this picture. We
were charged with "graffitiing" city property.
NYC, February 6,

And so my brothers and only friends, viddy well with your own
glassies, how it came to pass that your humble narrator and
his hapless droogie were sentenced to a day of community service
after pleeding the case two times before a judge. So There we
were, bent over in Tomkins Square Park, getting the old in-out
from the authorities, and we were cured, oh my brothers, we
were cured.
Some thank yous:
Bob Hawk, Peter Broderick, Charles Coleman,
IFP West, IFP, FilmCore & NY Underground
Film Festival, The Llaemles, Cinema Village
the theaters that show us, the Festivals that took us.
Thanks to the critics who have supported
the film.
Our L.A. Publicity and Morale Team:
Tom Harris and (pictured) Ellenbogen, Margot Gerber, Lance
In New York:
Heather Glassberg
Donna Cusamano
Cast & Crew
Quentin Dunne
Matt Marello at Kim's Video
Two Boots Video
Cinema Village
people at Nada
New York Hangover
Phil Higgs aka PHIGS
Many others I can't think of right now.
Did you see Habit? Did you like it? Did you think
it sucked? How did you hear about it? Do you have a habit?
us some e-mail and we'll post it.