Go behind the scenes of the making of UNTIL DAWN in this extensive article by Jack Yarwood at timeextension.com

“Think Scream versus I Know What You Did Last Summer”
… “To have a project that was just at the point of getting good shuttered and taken away from you was yeah, at the time, a little bit soul-destroying,” adds another source. “But I have massive respect for what Supermassive did with it. I think if there was ever a final product of something you worked on, I couldn’t have asked for a better job to have been done of it.”
Supermassive Games’ version of Until Dawn was first announced at Gamescom 2012 and underwent several revisions of its own before eventually being released in 2015 as a title for the PS4. For instance, the game dropped the PlayStation Move requirement as it was no longer deemed a necessary component, the American horror writers Larry Fessenden and Graham Reznick joined the project to write the script, and a decision was also made to move development over to Guerrilla Games’ Decima engine, which had originally been used to develop 2013’s Killzone: Shadow Fall…
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