The murderously obsessive title character of Jenn Wexler’s THE RANGER has his eye on a group of young punks who trespass in his woods, as seen in a new foreign sales poster. We’ve got the exclusive first look.

The poster comes from Octane Entertainment, which has picked up select worldwide sales rights to THE RANGER and will rep it at this month’s Cannes Film Festival. “THE RANGER is a fun and wild ride of punk-rock-infused horror that fits perfectly within our brand,” says Octane’s Jack Campbell. “We’re excited to be working with this team of professionals and can’t wait to introduce the film to our buyers in Cannes.” Adds Wexler, who directed the film and scripted it with Giaco Furino, “It’s been a thrill to share the film with festival audiences around the country. We’re so excited to team up with Octane to introduce THE RANGER to the world.”