In writer-director Ted Geoghegan’s horror-thriller Brooklyn 45, a handful of pals meet at the New York house of Larry Fessenden‘s Lieutenant Colonel Clive ‘Hock’ Hockstatter for what turns out to be an evening of revelations and supernatural terror.
“Brooklyn 45 is set several months after the end of World War II,” says Geoghegan of the film, which premieres at Austin’s SXSW Festival on March 12. “A group of battle-hardened, old friends get together in the Brooklyn brownstone of their colonel, who has suffered a monumental loss upon coming home from the war. They sit down for cocktails, those cocktails very quickly turn into an impromptu séance, and the s— hits the fan. They find themselves haunted by the metaphoric and literal ghosts of their pasts.”
Glass Eye Pix is the fierce independent NYC-based production outfit headed by award-winning art-horror auteur Larry Fessenden with the mission of supporting individual voices in the arts.
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