From Collider by Janelle Sheetz
Documentaries can be fascinating films which offer great insight into a subject, from historical events to pop culture, movies in particular. For especially beloved movies that have had a lasting impact, documentaries give fans more to enjoy than just the films themselves, with added insight and valuable memories from the people who were there as the film took shape.
That’s especially true of horror, a genre which has been explored in countless documentaries. They offer a deeper look at its most iconic films and the legacy they have left behind, with plenty more content to enjoy, from behind-the-scenes clips to interviews with the cast and crew, some with impressive runtimes which far surpass the original films. The best of them are not only informative but entertaining in their own right, making them must-see companion pieces for fans.

Birth of the Living Dead focuses on George A. Romero’s classic Night of the Living Dead, starting with Romero’s use of Pittsburgh-area residents to get the film made—a surprising team of largely blue-collar workers who had no experience with or ties to filmmaking. The documentary also explores the film’s long-lasting impact and its social and political themes. It includes interviews with Romero himself as well as with writers, filmmakers, and more.
Night of the Living Dead gave rise to the zombie subgenre of horror, making it perfect documentary fodder. Birth of the Living Dead provides a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the film’s origins, with entertaining and insightful interviews from Romero himself and others who discuss the impact the film had on their own work, including modern zombie horror like The Walking Dead. The documentary also contextualizes the film by addressing the major events and political issues of the time.
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a Glass Eye Pix production directed and produced by Rob Kuhns
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