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An essential part of planning the perfect Halloween party is the perfect playlist of songs to put you in the right spooky mood…
“Looking For The Magic” – Dwight Twilley Band (You’re Next)
The ominous opening piano chords leading into the groovy celebration of unbridled optimism that is Dwight Tilley’s “Looking for the Magic” almost make it a perfect companion to the jet black comedy throughout Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett’s You’re Next. Otherwise, the 1977 tune is effectively juxtaposed into two scenes from the brutal and brilliant 2011 home invasion thriller – first in the cold open featuring horror icon Larry Fessenden as Erik Hanson and second when Kelly (Margaret Laney) runs toward Harson’s house (where the song has apparently been playing on repeat this whole time) only to fall prey to one of the masked assassins targeting her family.
Read full list at Cinemablend
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