"Zuzu makes kids feel that they are important" --Chani Singer, age 11 Zuzu was Founded and designed by Beck Underwood, published by Restless Youth Press bi-monthly
from 1993-1995. It was distributed to schools, libraries, hospitals, stores and homes all
over the globe from France to Japan to the Soviet Union.
A Children's newspaper "by kids, for kids", this bi-monthly
free publication was also a wild, fresh, invigorating read for adults.
Its pages of poems, stories, interviews, facts and drawings were mostly submissions by kids, but some
regular columns were offerings by local adults, including "Scary Fessenden's Puzzling Page."
Fessenden was a regular contributor and board member of the paper. "It neither condescends, nor alienates. There is always an article of deep interest, humor or relevance
for my students." --Felice Piggott, 5th grade teacher Zuzu's founder and publisher, BECK UNDERWOOD, has worked as an art director, painter and illustrator
in New York since 1983. She has collaborated with Fessenden on several films,
including HOLLOW VENUS, (production design) and NO TELLING (co-writer and production design), and she continues to
develope scripts with Fessenden, most recently working on HABIT and the upcoming HECTOR DODGES.
"Zuzu is foremost among the interactive newspapers for kids"
--DESIGNING FOR CHILDREN by Heller & Guarnaccia
Underwood has designed the graphic logos of nearly every Glass Eye Pix
production in memory. Zuzu can now be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.zuzu.org.
"Zuzu is rejuvenating just to flick through."--The Independent UK