(puppet show)
Annual Performance of Charles ickens'
A Christmas Caroloriginal puppeteers: Larry Fessenden, Bob McGrath, Laurie Olinder and Maro Chermayeff
2003 cast included David Turley and Bill MorrisonBeck Underwood, dramaturge and puppet master.
Backdrops by Laurie Olinder
Stage by Bruce Agte
Puppets by Beck Underwood & Larry Fessenden (Ghost of Xmas Present by Maro Chermayeff)
Costumes by Beck Underwood, scarves by Elizabeth Evers
Stage Managers: Rick Field, David Leslie
script by Larry Fessenden based on Dickens and the Albert Finney Musical (!)This hand puppet version of A Christmas Carol has been a holiday tradition since 1989, and it's been performed at venues including The Public Theater, The Children's Museum in Soho, Two Boots Restaurant, and the Hudson River Museum.