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Aug 16 - Aaahhh. Feels like the old South all over again. Thanks, Jeb. (COMIC, pg 5)
Aug 14 - Lo and behold, with the "sensitive" scandal behind us, the real news about Bush goes under-reported in the Saturday edition of the Times. Bush has slashed more regulations than any other administration in history. Don't hear much about this in the stump speaches. Just hope Kerrry watches his p's and q's.
Aug 13 - John Kerry proclaims America needs to fight "a more effective, more thoughtful, more strategic, more proactive, more sensitive war on terror." in a campaign speach. Our honoroble vice president makes mockery of the word "sensitive" in subsequent stump speaches, reminding us that Republican chicken-hawks have little else to their campaign strategy than pulling phrases out of context and taking up the news cycle with empty topics. Our media is happy to oblige. Those on the left are forced to troll past statements by Republicans to reveal that they too have employed the "s" word. And so another day of national news is preoccupied with trivial bitch-slapping, and the Republicans score points in the coverage.
Aug 12 - Ferrell does Bush - a must see!
Aug 11 - Gloomy thoughts about torture and election postponements, but wotrthwhile... Again on the topic of National Character, and how administration policies are afffecting our national identity, there's the book, What's the Matter with Kansas? How consevatives won the heart of America. by Thomas Frank. An examination of how ordinary Americans have come to support a regime that does not have their best interests at heart.
Aug 9 - Bush and the Neocons continue to mishandle and misstate. On National Security, the Elections, and the Economy, recent messes: Leaks! Leals! Leaks! Putting our nation at risk playing scare politics. Thanks to Bush & Co. we will have our elections monitored by Foreigners. And on the economy, these pearls:
August 7 - One of the Swift Boat guys backs off the allegations against Kerry. Still, the book with similar accusations is a best-seller on amazon.com, and it's not even out yet. Check out the philosophy of one of the book's authors, Jerome Corsi... I guess even Vets can turn out to be lying bigots. Speaking of our veterans, honorable and otherwise, do we have to mention that Bush was AWOL during 'Nam?
August 6 - One thing we'd like to explore here is the character of the Administration, and the resulting National identity. An excerpt from a new book by John Powers, SORE WINNERS, takes a stab at this elusive topic. August 5 - Let's talk about everybody's favorite topic: FLIP FLOPPING! Here's a running tab of those keeping a running tab.
As if more evidence is required, a new article chronicles the Administration's truth-stretching on the lead up to war with Iraq. Have you heard about the Swiftboats For Truth guys, claiming to have "served with John Kerrry" and calling him unfit to lead? Well, they weren't on his boat, they were just in the same war. I'm sure these Patriots didn't mean to mislead. Senator John McCain calls for the ad to be pulled, saying "`It was the same kind of deal that was pulled on me,'' The Administration is using the oportunity to criticize soft money in the campaign, an area where democrats have an advantage. The mainstream press response to the Democratic Convention was crushingly irresponsible.
July 30 - Kerry delivers. NYTimes Op-Ed columnist Krugman calls the Media on their lame coverage:
July 29 - More great speaches that aren't being seen on the Networks: Sharpton rocks!
July 28 - The Networks aren't carrying these speaches from the Convention... Find them online. Hear what Barack Obama, State Senatorial Candidate from Illinois has to say.
July 26 - See Clinton's entire speech from the Democratic Convention on C-SPAN. Don't watch the spin. It's appalling they don't carry the whole convention on the networks: It is the ultimate reality TV (Your reality!!!)
Launch 2004 - WAYVF writer speaks about origins of this project in High Times Activist Issue. |