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From Mike Gingold at Fangoria:

“Larry Fessenden and his Glass Eye Pix are helping keep the audio horror drama alive with TALES FROM BEYOND THE PALE, and with a new CD set on sale and a live version set to be staged at this weekend’s Stanley Film Festival, they’ve given us the first look at a new poster!

TALES FROM BEYOND THE PALE: THE STANLEY EDITION will be staged at the fest (taking place at the haunted Colorado hotel that inspired Stephen King’s THE SHINING) this Saturday, with two brand new stories written specifically for the event by Fessenden, TALES co-creator Glenn McQuaid and frequent collaborator Clay McLeod Chapman. Festival attendees AJ Bowen (THE SACRAMENT), Martin Starr, Jocelyn DeBoer (both from DEAD SNOW: RED VS. DEAD), Ana Asensio and others will be part of the voice cast; the poster…was illustrated by artist Trevor Denham…

Now available at the series’ official website and Amazon.com is the TALES FROM BEYOND THE PALE SEASON 2 boxed set, containing four CDs, a DVD and a 12-page booklet. The nasty narratives for this collection, all recorded live at New York City’s Dixon Place, were written by Fessenden, McQuaid, Chapman, YOU’RE NEXT’s Simon Barrett, THE MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN’s Jeff Buhler, BITTER FEAST’s Joe Maggio, ANNO DRACULA author Kim Newman and short filmmaker/Fango contributor Ashley Thorpe, with voice performers including Sean Young, Vincent D’Onofrio, Mark Margolis, James Le Gros, Michael Cerveris, Kate Lyn Sheil and Jonny Orsini and Fessenden serving as host. The DVD includes the half-hour documentary BEHIND THE CURTAIN and the video-clip collection DISPATCHES FROM SEASON 1. Gary Pullin designed the box, which retails for $25.”

Check out the full post at Fango.