by Jeanette White
Sure, there are fancy restaurants and impressive bouquets of flowers. However, maybe you’re sick of fighting for reservations and stressing out the local florist. Maybe you’d rather spend Valentine’s Day inside, ordering takeout and watching a movie—preferably a scary one, because what’s more romantic than having an excuse to snuggle up to that special someone?

6. Jakob’s Wife Explores the Good and Bad of Marriage
What happens when you take two horror icons and allow them to embrace their campy genre roots? You get Jakob’s Wife, a horror-comedy with substance. After transforming into a vampire, Anne (Barbara Crampton) begins to question her safe but stale 30-year marriage to the titular Jakob (Larry Fessenden). The movie doesn’t necessarily reinvent vampire lore but focuses on exploring the complexities of marriage and loss of identity instead. The love between Anne and Jakob is still there; it’s just messy, complicated, and clouded by societal constructs.
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