I have always tried to understand the way a society might look that was just and fair and effective. I’ve let those questions creep into my artistic impulses in both music and movies. But an artist doesn’t want to be defined as having a political agenda and so I have insisted that the political is personal for me.

I wrote the disconnex website in 2016, the result of decades of musings about the troubles in the world. I rarely publicize it because in fact I am not a political animal. I am interested in the philosophy of living and the limitations of human discourse.

What a strange time in history we are in when on the same day we coronate such an onerous group of right wing leaders in Washington, we celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose quote “Judge me not for the color of my skin but the content of my character” is now rejected by many on the left.

You tell me if you see any hope here. Good luck. —LF