Beloved Angus Scrimm, AKA Lawrence Guy, departed this world on January 9 2016. He has been a loyal and cherished friend for many years. While fans will remember him as The Tall Man, at Glass Eye Pix we fondly recall the many contributions he made for film, audio, print and music projects too. But most of all for us he was a loyal, articulate, supportive, dear friend. We are still enjoying the chocolates he sent for Christmas.
Farewell Angus, we are so blessed to have known you and you will always be with us in our hearts and in our memories and in our collaborations for which you showed unwavering enthusiasm.
In my car, I still have an old hand-written note from you, addressed to my son Jack, in which you annotate the contents of some gifts you were bestowing on him: some Jazz and classical CDs you thought might fortify his musical enlightenment. You have inspired us with your warmth and humanity and grace.
Your own musical gifts will not go overlooked, dear Angus, as this clip will attest: an original composition of yours we commissioned for Jim McKenney’s film THE OFF SEASON, recorded in a conference room at a Fango convention in L.A. in 2005.
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