by Jeremy Thomas
Most of these entries are based on the potential I see in each of the films. With Blackout, it’s not about potential because I can vouch for it myself. I was fortunate enough to catch Larry Fessenden’s small-town werewolf film at Fantasia last year and suffice it to say, it’s a lot of fun. Alex Hurt is pulling a lot of weight in this film as Charley, an artist in a town that finds itself victimized by a double murder. Charley is trying to get all of his affairs in order before he says farewell for good, all as the murder (and subsecquent ones) drive the town’s residents apart.
Fessenden is one of the kings of microbudgeted horror films, and he proves that again here thanks to a fantastic cast including Barbara Crampton, Marshall Bell and Addison Timlin. Fessenden’s script contains several small bits of referential humor while also playing on the topical notion of societal divisions. Blackout arrives on Digital later this month but it’s well worth catching in the theater if you have a chance to do so, and if you’re in New Orleans this would be a great opportunity to do so.
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